Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Out-Of-Class Stories #3 & 4

Regarding your final two out-of-class projects, this is how your grade for each assignment will break down:

Blog version (at least 2 posts, at least 2 hyperlinks per post): 12.5 percent
Twitter stream (at least 12 tweets, at least 1 hyperlink): 12.5 percent
Multimedia (minimum 1-minute video or audio slide show or podcast, minimum 3 sources; or a complex map with at least 10 data points and at least 5 hyperlinks): 12.5 percent
Breaking news version (no more than 250 words, at least 1 source, plus a simple map with at least 1 data point): 12.5 percent
Print version (at least 600 words; at least 2 sources for 3rd OOC story and at least 3 sources for 4th OOC story) : 50 percent

The weighted grade for each component will be converted into an average score, and that average will be your final assignment grade. So if you get 4.0s on all the multimedia, social media and breaking news components and a 2.0 on the print version, then your final grade will be a 3.0 (since the print version is half the grade and everything else combined is half the grade).

Also, DON'T FORGET the breaking news version of out-of-class story #3 is due by noon TOMORROW, Thursday the 18th to

One more reminder: THERE WILL BE NO REWRITE OPPORTUNITIES ON THESE ASSIGNMENTS. Be sure you get assignments in on time, and that they are fatal-free.

We're taking the safety net away for these exercises. Just like the real world. So don't take any chances or short-cuts. Do your due diligence.

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