Friday, September 21, 2012

Alt Ledes: Use Words Correctly; Use Correct Words

Language is important in journalism because people read what we write for understanding. Using a word incorrectly or using an incorrect word can create confusion at best, and an unintended meaning and fact error at worst.

Take for example, this lede:

In an attempt to trim city expenses, local officials announced that offendants will be charged $25 for mug shot and fingerprint services.

Structurally, it's a nice lede. But what the hell is an offendant? Now, there is the word defendant, which is someone accused of something. And offender, which is someone who did something. You kinda merged those two words to invent a new word.

I appreciate your eagerness to expand the English language, but if we are to be understandable we should use word that have already been invented and are well-known, okay?

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