Monday, May 23, 2011

Ledes -- Peanut Barrel Rule

Think about what makes the car crash story unique. Think about what makes it stand out. Or what makes it memorable, or worth talking about. Does this lede represent those factors?

Scott Forsythe was the only person killed in a car accident this morning while going 100 mph and swerving to miss a dog before crashing into a fence.

I'd say no. What made this car crash singular and different from other car crashes was that the man was speeding to get to his own wedding when he died.

Think Peanut Barrel rule here: would you just tell your friends that you wrote a story about a fatal car accident? Or that you wrote a story about a guy who died on the way to his wedding?

Don't forget the Peanut Barrel rule, which I will reiterate here:

Imagine you work at The State News, and after writing your story one night you head over to the Peanut Barrel to meet some friends who don't work at The State News and don't care about journalism. They ask you what you wrote about that night. What is the first thing you tell them? What sums up your story in a sentence or two?

That's usually some form of your best lede angle.

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