Monday, May 23, 2011

Ledes -- Too Much Or Just Right?

One lede went like this:

A devastating car accident this morning left a 22-year-old man dead, just minutes before his wedding.

Good lede. But is "devastating" a bit too much? I went back-and-forth a bit on this one, and I think it may be.

Think about car accidents. Unfortunately, they happen all the time. That frequency means that calling any one accident "devastating" risks the boy-who-cried-wolf effect, where all accidents are devastating and readers start to tune out the description through overuse.

You may argue -- and with some merit -0- that the nature of the accident made it uniquely emotionally devastating, in that it happened minutes before the deceased was to be wed. But in that case I feel an adjective would be better put in conjunction with the wedding, along the lines of something like this:

A car accident this morning left a 22-year-old man dead, tragically just minutes before his wedding.

I'm not saying your approach was wrong. I'm just not sure it's the best approach. What do you guys think?

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