Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Controversial: Housekeeping Items

Just a few general class style things to point out:

First, make sure the slug in our email subject like is just the slug, in this case, controversial. Not slug: controversial or reporting controversial stories or whatever. The slug, just the slug, exactly the slug.

The reason for that is that when emails have the EXACT same title, those emails will chain together in my email box, regardless of when they came in. When I usually get over 100 emails a day, it's a big help in making sure that I don't miss one of our assignments in my "in" box.

Second, let's remember to ALWAYS double-space our work. The reason for that is because in journalism, we learn by doing, then reviewing the work, and then taking the lessons learned and applying them in moving forward.

A big part of learning what we did well, what we didn't do so well and how we can do better is the feedback that you get via the comments I make on your assignments. Giving me space in which to make comments is extremely helpful in that process. That's why I need the double-spacing from everyone, every time.

Third, I'd like us to put our name/date/slug/page number on the upper-left side of our papers, and NOT the upper-right. This is less critical, but it is helpful. As I go through papers, log grades into my grade sheets and ANGEL, and then pass back papers I usually flip through the papers with the left upper corner showing. So having everybody's names and assignments in that corner helps me get that bureaucratic work done a bit more quickly.

Thanks for the help, guys.

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