Monday, October 15, 2012

Speech/Meeting: A Few Fatals

Sorry to see a total of three fatals on these exercise.

In one instance in the speech assignment, we referred to Michigan 's Surgeon General Tom Izzo. In fact, he is the U.S. Surgeon general who was speaking at the Michigan PTA convention in East Lansing.

Please make sure you are double-checking the titles of individuals, and that what you wrote matches what is in your notes.

In another instance of the speech assignment, we offered this quote:

"They are serving up new treats 0 and new tricks.

This was the actual quote:

"They are serving up new treats -- and new tricks."

We accidentally replaced the hyphen with the number zero, and we left out the closed quote mark indicating the end of a quote.

In the meeting assignment, we identified one speaker as Charrow Lane. In fact, according to the information that was an address; the speaker was Roy E. Cross, who lives at 101 Charow Lane. (And yes, we also misspelled Charow as Charrow, so that's a double-fatal.)

Again, please make sure you go through your work line-by-line, fact-by-fact and quite-by-quote, comparing what you wrote to the information in your notes; and make sure what you intended to write was, in fact, what you wrote.

For those of you keeping score, 14 of 18 of you are now members in good standing of the JRN 200 Fatals Club.

Still, except for the fatals explosion with the first out-of-class story, you all have done an exceptional job of minimizing fatals this term. Let's make sure we stay vigilant and keep those fatals at bay, especially with future out-of-class stories, okay?

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