Thursday, October 13, 2011

Out Of Class #1: The Rewrite

There is something I forgot to tell you because I am an idiot. And it is this:

If you do a rewrite, your rewrite grade WILL BE NO LOWER THAN YOUR ORIGINAL GRADE.

That's right. Do a rewrite and even if it's worse than your original work, your grade will be no worse than what you had in the first place.

Even if you ADD a fatal in your rewrite that wasn't in your original work, your grade won't be any worse off.

Now, that doesn't mean I won't note whether your rewrite is better or worse than the original, or includes a fatal that your original did not have. It's just that you won't pay a penalty for trying to improve your work.

So, you literally have nothing to lose and everything to gain by doing a rewrite.

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