Thursday, October 6, 2011

Squirrels: Good Lede-Nut Graf Combos

The lede sums up the story. The nut graf offers details to the lede and amplifies it via the offering of secondary angles. Here are some good combos in this exercise:

Most people get their cars repaired due to engine trouble or a needed oil change. Lansing Community College students and faculty are taking their cars in for a fix-up because of squirrels.

University officials are collecting reports from numerous students and faculty claiming that squirrels are the main reason for their car failure. The problems experienced range from dead headlights, to chewed wires.

Here, the lede offers the what (car problems), the who (for students and such) and the why (squirrels!). The nut graf builds upon that by offering greater detail on the why (squirrels are effing up the cars) and the what (the car problems range from headlights to wiring) and the who (numerous students and faculty).

This next one offers in the lede the who (students) and why (squirrels) but delays the what (problems) for the nut graf.

Squirrels are no longer settling for your average tree, and are now finding themselves new homes in the cars of Lansing Community College students, teachers and staff members.

LCC officials are blaming squirrels for the consistent problems that students, teachers and staff members have been experiencing with their cars.

This next one ledes with the who and why, and then the nut graf picks up the how:

Students and staff at Lansing Community College are being driven nuts by squirrels that have been damaging their cars.

LCC officials are blaming squirrels that have been making nests under the hoods of cars, forcing staff and students to pay up for the damages.

This next one has a creative lede hooked on overall context, and then offers the details in a nut graf that sounds kinda like a conventional lede, which is what a nut graf should sound like when you do a less conventional and more anecdotal and contextual lede:

What seemed to be a freak situation turned out to be a frequent problem for various Lansing car owners.

Out of all the ways for people to experience car problems, Lansing Community College officials are blaming squirrels for the damages of many student, teacher and staff cars.

Now, let's look at some ledes I simply thought were fun:

Students and faculty of Lansing Community College are experiencing problems with their vehicles because squirrels are making themleves feel right at home in several different "hoods." Literally.

.. and ...

Trees are so "last season" as squirrels all around Lansing Community College's campus are finding a new place to make their nests.

... and ...

Are the squirrels in Lansing going nutty for electrical wires under the hoods of cars?

Okay, so none of these are drop-dead hilarious. Well, except maybe the first one. Still, I was grading you not on the comedic value but whether you recognized that the story was kinda silly in nature and could be worth a lede setting that kind of tone.

As you grow more experienced and confident with your writing, you'll do a better job of using your wit.

I hope. Gah.

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