Friday, October 15, 2010

Out Of Class Story #1 -- Bad Newz

Any fatals are too many fatals when it comes to out of class stories. Those assignments are just too big a part of your final grade for you to make a mistake.

I'm sorry to say TWO people fataled the first out of class story. One was a time fatal -- it was not turned in before or during the last class. And in the other, the person had two misspellings within a quote that changed the meaning of the words.

And yes, these were words that, when misspelled, created different but correctly-spelled words: sad became said, and lose became loose.

The only good news is that a fatal on this out of class story is salvageable. Fix the fatals -- in the case of the time fatal, that means simply turning in the work by the next due date; and in the case of the spelling fatals, that means simply correcting the spellings -- and the fatal will become only one-third of your assignment grade, with your rewrite grade being two-thirds.

Yes, getting a zero on one-third of your grade will mean you'll probably have a lower overall grade than you'd like, but a zero on one-third of your grade is still a helluva lot better than a zero on three-third of your grade.

Two more things to remember here: One, DO NOT INSERT A FATAL IN YOUR REWRITE THAT WAS NOT IN YOUR ORIGINAL STORY. For these two folks, that would be a killer. Make sure what you have is fact-checked!

Second, you will NOT have rewrite opportunities on the third and fourth out of class stories. Any fatal in those stories won't be fixable.

So let's be careful out there, okay?

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