Monday, October 25, 2010

Police -- Fatals

Quite often, the ratio of fatals is proportional to deadline pressure; the less time you have, the more fatals you create.

Paradoxically, that wasn't the problem in this assignment.

In fact, the two people who fataled were the first two people finished with the assignment!

So it wasn't lack of time that caused the fatals. Far from it. The assignments were turned in 31 and 28 minutes, respectively, from the original 11:20 deadline that was extended another 10 minutes.

And the fatals were in the completely-avoidable category. Each person misidentified the store (one mistakenly listed the suspect's place of employment as the crime scene, the other spelled the store as Jimmy -- and not Jiffy -- Foods, another case where spell check wasn't going to catch the problem).

Then, one person spelled "DaRoza" two different ways in the same sentence, while the other claimed the robber escaped with the cash register and $80 in cash, even though the report indicated nothing was actually stolen.

You had time to catch these errors, folks.

If you get done early, PLEASE take a few minutes to do more than your usual fact-checking. Take advantage of ALL the time you have to properly vet a story.

I know you want to get out of here. But you also want to get the grade you deserve, right?

So do the work that's necessary.

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