Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Squirrels: Nut Grafs Are Driving You Nuts

Some of you are having problems with the concept of a nut graf. A nut graf is generally a paragraph that flows the lede and builds upon it, allowing for a seamless transition into te body of the story.
The sequence is like this:

The lede hits the most basic and essential elements of the story.

The nut graf expands and elaborates upon the lede.

Then you start with details supporting the lede.

Here's a good lede/nut graf/body sequence from one of youze:

A recent rash of car problems at Lansing Community College is being blamed on one particular group of culprits: squirrels.

In recent weeks, college officials have received several complaints from staff members regarding damage to their cars that, in some cases, have resulted in several hundred dollars worth of repairs.

Associate professor of English Oliver Brookes said he made an unpleasant discovery while trying to determine the cause of a faulty headlight when he opened the hood of his van.

"There was a big squirrels' nest in the corner where the light wires were," Brookes said.

See the flow here?

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