Thursday, October 21, 2010

Rescue -- Watch For Illogical Things

Like when you said:

The Okemos attorney of fence and the Zoning Board have been notified.

This is what you were paraphrasing:

Notify City Attorney of fence and Zoning Board of possible hazard for children.

What it meant was, the city attorney should be notified about the fence, and the zoning board should be notified about the possible hazard for children.

Your first tip-off that maybe you read it wrong should be been the title of attorney of fence. That makes no snese, right?

If it makes no sense, don't assume. And don't just go with what you have. Check it out!

That example is kinda funny. This next one is not:

The collapse happened at 4:40 p.m. and Lo was freed at 3:24 p.m.

Obviously, you can't be rescued before you get into trouble. So if you were adequately fact-checking what you wrote, that should have tipped you off that you had an incorrect number in there somewhere. (In fact, it was the latter number that was wrong. It should have been 5:24 p.m.)

Sadly, that was a fatal.Bolde you get into trouble.

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