Monday, October 11, 2010

Robbery -- Four Fatals? Frustrating.

I'm sorry to say we set a new fatal standard for the semester so far: four people fataled this exercise.

Why? Attention to detail, that's why.

One of you cited Ingham County police. The information given to you indicated it was Meridian Township police and Ingham County prosecutors.

Another one of you named the robbery victim as Michael Ernest. His name was actually Michael Ernest Layoux.

And two of you spelled the last name of the robber as Weiss. The information given to you indicated it was Wiess.

Each of these fatals was avoidable. You need to MAKE SURE you are double-checking EVERYTHING you have written against he facts that you have been given. You need to MAKE SURE you are checking ALL information given to you for inconsistencies.

Every time. All the time.

Let's not have another fatal day like Monday, okay?

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